2009年7月8日 星期三
曾郁卿認為一個企業的成功與否,在於領導者的態度與領導方式。企業教練 ( Executive Coach)的目的是輔助主管以身作則,藉以帶動下層員工的積極力量,引發員工改變的渴望。她歸納出三大類領導者應留意的盲點:一、「自以為是」是領導者最常犯的錯誤。 二、不認同他人的長處。 三、領導者常有的情緒管控能力差、愛搶功勞等個性盲點。 從過去經驗中,唯有發覺自己的盲點,讓盲點成為可改善的缺點,個人職涯發展才能更上一層樓。 陳朝益將教練工具分為三步驟--RAA:R(reflection)反省,沉澱自己是學習的基礎; A(appreciation)評鑑,觀察不同訓練模式的成效,以做出正確的判斷; A(action)行動,有效規劃,知道何時該採取行動。
6/30 Chrisse圓夢教練的辦公室
在6/28的論壇之前,樂善好施的Chrissie(應該說是樂於分享)就主動提出願意與我們這些後進分享coaching實務的想法,有這麼好的機會親炙best practice我們當然是把握機會排除萬難,遂約定6/30在Chrissie位於仁愛路的辦公室,時間剛好在論壇之後。
排除萬難畢竟不容易,原本四個人當天只有Wesley和我能夠出席,不過也因此,我們有更多的機會可以深入對談,了解Chrissie在推展Coaching方面的作法與想法,Chrissie也推薦了二本祕笈:Marshall Goldsmith的Up學,還有黃榮華&梁立邦的人本教練模式。
當天最大的收穫,是從Chrissie的分享中體驗到,coaching雖然一直強調It is all about the client.但是在確定能做到all about the client 之前,It's all about教練的自我修練,如果自我修煉正確而成熟,面對coachee時才能真正做好all about client。
2009年6月1日 星期一
SAPPHIRE--Jeremy's Coaching Model version 2
This is the 2nd version of my coaching model--SAPPHIRE.
I changed the acronym of the last word. The "E" stands for "Empowring" which consolidates the meaning of enthusing and ecouraging.
• Searching: for needs, hints, values…
• Acknowledging: achievement, perseverance
• Possibility-finding: perspective sharing
• Planning: goal, strategy, tactic, pathway, experiment
• Hermesing: take a break, provide informations as a go-giver.
• Illustrating: for visualization, leverage the power of resources, supports and imagination.
• Role-playing: practice and face challenges, buffer setting
• Empowering: encourage, enthuse to step forward with confidence.
2009年5月27日 星期三
ICA-Lobii Taipei Gathering on 5/22

for more pictures please visit the following website:
Sapphire & Jeremy
I love the color of blue in all kinds, and sapphire is my favorite.
It is the color that touches me the most:
The color of sky in summer evening that makes me feel like a white cube sugar melting in the liquid of CuSO4.
The color of water in the deepest swimming pool that I take a deep breath to dive in and stay put and then feel peaceful.
The color of my favorite cuff links
Even my style of the True Color is Blue-Green
Sapphire, to me, represents the values of calm and cool, clear and wide,
And now it means much more to me as my coaching model.
I love it!!
SAPPHIRE--Jeremy's Coaching Model
Hereby announce the coaching model of mine just come into being.
•Searching: for needs, hints, values…
•Acknowledging: achievement, perseverance
•Possibility-finding: perspective sharing
•Planning: goal, strategy, tactic, pathway, experiment
•Hermesing: take a break, provide feedback, resources, information as a go-giver.
•Illustrating: for visualization, leverage the power of resources, supports and imagination.
•Role-playing: practice and face challenges, buffer setting
•Enthusing: encourage to step forward with confidence
2009年4月24日 星期五
Coaching Model ~ Coach:Kathy Munoz
The Quitting Zone – Research has shown that many people will quit right before they are about to reach their goal. This is due to many reasons: fear of failure, fear of success, or simply the inability to hold the vision of what is possible. This is a very powerful place to coach from as the coach can hold the vision for the client even when they cannot see it for themselves nor believe they can actually reach their goal.
Am I this kind of person?
The Process Model looks like marriage, a job or any kinds of relationship.
A skilled coach is like a master working on a large project. Their real skill is not just in using tools, but in knowing what tool to use at each stage of a process and as each eventually arises.
A participant shared her own experience and Kathy opened the opportunity for others to help her. There was a kind of special dynamic in this teleclass.
We talked about what stage she is? the goal? UACs? Early stage of the journey?
Elizabeth asked a powerful question and I think that wuite useful:
What stop you to pursue your goal? What would you loose?
Effective Feedback ~Coach:Bill Turpin
Sharing ideas means a lot to other participants. If we both got an apple and share with each other, each of us still has one apple; if we both got a thought of our own, we share with each other, and then both of us have 2 thoughts.
1. How would you define “feedback”?
Feedback is an objective describtion of observation that giving forward to the observed, just like mirror back. There are 5 key points about feedback:
Ask permission: feedback must be welcomed, if doubt, ask.
Timely: avoild looking back to what being said that may causes defocused or being vague
Neutral: suspend the judgement, no matter positive or negative, then it enables a coach to give feedback
Objective: not subject mindset
Truthful: for the safe environment to accept feedback
2. What’s the difference between opinion and feedback?
Our own opinions belong to ourselves only; no need to pursuade others accepting our opinions. Be aware of they are asking for opinions or feedback. And pay attention to the default switch of giving feedback ot just opinion.
Key difference:
Feedback: giving a view of clients’ goals and values
Opinion: giving a view of a coach’s goals and values
Only when a coach knows well the goals and values of clients then would the feeback be effective.
2009年3月2日 星期一
The Healing Power of the Human Voice

從潛意識層面看,我們都可算是演員,因為我們會改變說話的聲音,以便得到有利於自身的效果,而且往往不是故意的。那麼,請你想像一下,若能有意識地加以引導,人的聲音會具有多大的力量呢?或許可以觀察一下政治領袖人物如何運用聲音將自己投射出來,以達到說服群眾的目的。這方面的一個重要例子就是希特勒,他藉由演說來煽動並迷惑了德國人民。 要了解一個人的個性與所處狀況,聲音是一條主要途徑。在不知情的狀態下,我們便在聲音的性質中,透露了自身的感受。在談話中,我們反映出自身是放鬆或緊張的狀態。我們的本性在所有的話語中留下了印記。我們都聽過會令神經緊張的聲音(不論所說的內容為何),以及似乎能讓人平靜的聲音。
說話會有型態出現,就表示大多數人都可被劃入幾種基本型;也就是在個性上屬於土象、火象、水象或風象。美國「極向整合」(polarity therapy)治療師薄惹(John Beaulieu)曾開發一項技術,稱為「語音能量學」(Voice Energetics),可根據基本型態的缺乏或過多的情況來診斷健康方面的問題。西方世界的蘇菲派(Sufi Order)[1]創建者,同時也是印度音樂大師,印納亞‧杭(Hazrat Inayat Khan)在提到三種基本語音類型時,也同時寫出個別的特質和基本屬性:一種是顯示有力量(jelal),一種有美(jemal),第三種有智慧(kemal)。
2009年2月24日 星期二
The 3rd Coach Gathering--2009.2.21 at The One
2009年2月16日 星期一
FC103 Effective feedback
Topic 1
1. How do you feel about receiving feedback?
If I was asked for permission before receiving feedback, it would be more acceptable. It helps me become more aware of being neutral instead of defending. A real feedback without criticism or judgment makes me feel kind of nervous but still gratitude toward the feedback giver.
4. What is the difference between feedback and criticism?
Feedback is merely mirroring back what is observed without extra opinions or judgments. Just like a mirror, a feedback should be neutral and objective, not positive nor negative. But a criticism may contain any of that mentioned above.
Then a feedback evokes awareness while a criticism draws defenses or attacks.
5. What is the purpose of feedback in a coaching situation?
For greater understanding, awareness and clarity, a coach may apply effective feedback. It can also provide insight, open thoughts and expand vision which helps a lot to clients.
Reflection and Application
1. 3 people’s feedback
My wife’s feedback on my emceeing the birthday banquet of my uncle:
“You looked not nervous at all…the atmosphere was fantastic and joyful.”
My crew’s feedback on the training delivery of the new-hired orientation:
“How’s the participation of the new-hired? Do you think they like the course or not?”
“I think they enjoyed the class very much from the clues of their laughter and the serious thinking faces”
My colleague’s feedback in the farewell letter:
“I am glad to know you…thank you for the kindly help always…I am honored to work with you.”
2. How’s the feedback
My response: Thank you for the feedback, that’s quite meaningful to me.
Some feedback was better than others for they pointed out specific items or issues that I could catch what they were talking about instead of common general ideas or comments. When I asked my crew to feedback, I transferred the focus on the feedback from trainees instead of me, the trainer; it seems more indirect and much easier for her to give feedback to me.
From this exercise I learned much about giving feedback and asking for feedback as well. It would be more acceptable if giving feedback focused on the observation, conveying not the details only but the information that appear obviously. In our culture, most people might feel reluctant and uncomfortable when being asked for feedback. It may automatically remind them “political issue” right away. Maybe ask them the opinion of the third party would be much easier for them to tell the truth.
Topic 2
1. When and how might you use role-play with your clients?
Not only when my clients are unsure on how to have a conversation with someone or have some fears around how to say and to proceed, but also in the moment of rehearsing the steps moving forward to their splendid victory, that I would love to use role play. I would use presuppositional questions such as:
What would they say if you had done it well?
What would you do to make it happen?
…then how would you respond to her reaction?
Reflection and Application
1. 3 situations suit for using role-play.
A. To work out the action plan by rehearsing the steps they may make to move forward.
B. To practice before hand if the client is fear about what to say
C. To rehearse when the client is unsure how to conduct a meeting.
2. A friend of my was dealing with the bottom 5 % performance interview and found himself kind of resisting to face that awkward situation. We both agreed on his willing to overcome this situation and further more to benefit interviewees through this interview. He set some procedure of the interview to clarify the purpose, the methods and the principles he would like to apply in this interview. While role-playing, I acted as an angry employee and he tried to use the principles to calm me down and focus on the performance improving. At the 2nd round, I played as a sensitive employee in his team and he found it’s hard to address any words he attempted to speak out. After practicing, he felt more confident and less reluctant to do the interview.
3. Another “interviewer” came to me the other day (thanks to the recommendation of the former one) and we tried to make her more confident with the bottom 5% interview. At the first time, she found herself not well-prepare about the details and records of interviewees. At the 2nd time, she practiced the whole process of interview from the opening to the closing and corrected herself in wording several times. Then I played the role she would play as a interviewer and she act as the interviewee. I repeated the process that she just performed. She felt “my” interview with her was comfortable and helpful. I said that’s just what she did before. She was confident and happy to help the interviewee then.
A friend of mine was suffering being a sandwich between her mother and boyfriend. I drew on the practice of constellation and asked her to arrange the position of her boyfriend and her mom for several times. During the process, we practiced the roles of herself, her mom and her boyfriend to speak out what they really want to express. She was strongly touched and found herself a better place to stand on, a more useful gesture to make peaceful and even delighting situation.
做自己的教練~~by 吳永佳 (2008.9.1 30雜誌)
初入職場 先把實力準備好
專業能力是30世代在職場所要積累的第一種實力。從企業主心態來看,哪種專業能力在現下會變得更重要呢?在經濟榮景衰退、資源有限的環境下,可將資源做最有效整合及運用的人才,才能幫雇主花最少、省更多;此外,人力緊縮,「好用耐操」、具多元職能又願意高度配合的人最受歡迎;當然,能為公司帶進業績的人才,自然也更形重要。那麼高階人才的就業市場如何呢?根據104獵才顧問中心分析指出,2008年電腦、網路資訊等相關產業的持續性發展,帶動一波中高階主管的求才指標。而逐年增長的行銷、業務職缺,顯示科技產品的技術已發展成熟,目前急需透過行銷業務人才推廣至消費者手中。 對於中高階人才來說,豐富的產業經驗是最基本的專業要件,而優越的行銷及業務能力,也可為自己加分。此外,在這天涯若比鄰的時代,熟悉歐洲或亞太市場經驗,是許多產業重視的專業力;當然,既然商品都要賣到全世界、賺世界的錢,而高階工作者也漸漸成為「逐工作而居」的遊牧上班族,隨時可能到世界任何一個地區工作,那麼,外語能力、國際視野,以及對全球資訊的閱讀及掌握能力,無疑是愈來愈重要了。
30到50歲 追求上半場人生成就
50歲後 追求下半場夢想意義
2009年2月10日 星期二
FC102 Reflection and Application
A friend of mine works as a training specialist in the HR dept. of a company was worrying of being laid off because of the economical depression. She did great jobs and made significant contributions for her company but the training budget for next year still decreased tremendously. She felt helpless and lost enthusiasm about her job. After discussed about the success she made before, we compared the situation thoroughly and found all the conditions about her company and herself were still the same(some of them even getting better) but only required more cost-constrained-focused. She shifted her perspective to positive ones and reframed the viewpoints of these changes. I found her regain her confidence and start to work out some strategy for the coming challenges.
2. Call a friend or colleague who has been complaining about something. Share with them the concept of Perspective, which you are studying, and ask them if they are interested in some quick coaching to help them ReFrame their Perspective.
I visited a cousin of mine during the Chinese New Year and shared with him the studying in ICA. When I “happened to” mention about the idea of perspective and reframing, it’s easy to find something sparkling in his eyes. He told me that maybe he could think of his boss, whom he is always complaining about, in a more sympathetic way.
2009年1月15日 星期四
Reflection FC102 ~ Topic 3 Discussion
Trust is the foundation of all positive perspectives I will say. Trust can be as hard as iron but still a fragile as crystal. One can build everything on the base of trust but destroy it in a glance if the trust is vanished.
Action is the second powerful perspective in my point of view. Action makes changes and thus ensures the opportunity of fulfillment.
Contribution would b one of the most powerful perspectives. When thinking about contribution, one can be more creative, more accountable of one’s role, and will embrace the challenge of adventure and exploration.
2. What is a disempowering perspective you have been using lately?
Reaction is the disempowering perspective I have been using lately to slow down the movement toward the perfection of my job. I just follow the ISO requirement and avoid making mistakes.
REFLECTION FC102 ~ Topic 2
I would accept myself and enjoy my being more positively. Define challenges as blessings. Become more confident and brave to achieve what I deserve. I think I could be a active, optimistic, charming and happy person if I were a master of re-framing my own perspective.
2. What else might you need to obtain complete happiness and fulfillment?
I think I am blessed to own so much already. If I could help others and give more to those who I love, it would be even better. I need to obtain the wisdom and demonstrate the best me. That would be my fulfillment and celestial happiness.
REFLECTION FC102 ~ Topic 1
That was my first time to lead a virtual team for a creation workshop facilitating. Most of the facilitators were still green hands and suffering heavy duty job loadings. The preparation for the workshop was time consuming and that made me nervous about our progress. Team members presented themselves reluctantly and silently under the pressure from me. Not any creative idea was proposed in our meeting. Then I gave up pushing them and started to share my concerns about this situation and tried to elicit the thoughts from them. They broke the frozen atmosphere and continued the dialogue. When we went back to discussion, I focused more about the freedom and creation of thoughts rather than worrying about time constrain. The shift of this perspective retrieved our pleasure in sharing which we regarded as our core value and speeded up the progress.
2. How will helping your clients change their perspective make a difference in their lives?
Clients might be suffering from all kinds of fear and being controlled by their circumstance. With a different point of view, just a small step shift, they can still be aware of the situations or face the problems, but cast their fear aside, have the insight of whole picture. They may find themselves got nothing to lose. They will become more confident and dare to pursue what they want.
2009年1月12日 星期一
Reflection FC101
1. If you have previously worked in a field that is related to coaching, which of the skills you applied in that field are applicable to coaching? Which are not applicable to coaching?
I am working as a Training and Development manager in a company of IT industry. I used to take advantage of a tool named Critical Business Issue (CBI) Interview for the annual training planning. During the interview, I will ask the interviewee certain structured questions concerning about his/her goal aligned to our business mission and corporate vision, strategy to achieve the goal, and the most important, any possible issues that will disturb the achievements. Then we will work side by side to figure out what and where the resources are to leverage with. In this portion, I apply skills about active listening and goal clarifying.
Nevertheless, I also take charge of solution delivering when it comes to my professional field that what kind of training resource suits their needs best concerning the interviewee’s constraints. When some given technical areas are outside my expertise, I will say this portion being not applicable to coach.
2. When might you refer a client to a therapist or psychologist for counselling rather than continuing with coaching?
If the client appears to abandon oneself to past events or being mentally dysfunctional that refuses to look forward, it would be better referring the client to a therapist or psychologist.
3. How is coaching related to mentoring? How is it different?
Mentoring and coaching are both aimed at the growing and motivation of targets. Similar skills are applied in goal setting, strength discovering and action planning. But a mentor is usually a expert, a teacher or a role model in certain field and very experienced with the solutions or resources while a coach is not necessary being an expert in a given area. A coach is more like a partner with equal position.
4. How could a business consultant alter their business to become a business coach? What are the key differences in the services they would provide?
It would be a niche and also a limitation for the altering of a business consultant. It’s a niche because a consultant should has expertise in certain business issues with their strong knowledge base. It is also a limitation, however, the knowledge base the consultant grasp will stifled the opportunity of creative solutions, especially in the areas outside their specialty.
Asking questions rather than giving answers would be the very first step for a consultant to be a coach. Realize the situation with the client’s viewpoint. Cooperate with a client to use his/her knowledge and answers than yours instead.
The key differences in the services that a consultant or a coach provides are:
1. a consultant provides answers, solutions, judgments, analysis while a coach provides opportunities for a client to find out what mentioned above from oneself.
2. a consultant deals only with issues in a given area while a coach conducts with multiple issues in any areas which are significant influenced mutually.
5. What is meant by the saying “all coaching is life coaching after the first three sessions”? Do you agree with this statement? Why? Why not?
The saying “all coaching is life coaching after the first three sessions” means that life coaching has great influences on any other coaching. I will say, life coaching establishes the solid foundation of all coaching. Every person is an unique creature. We cannot understand one well without taking one’s life into consideration. Using the holistic approach shall help us a lot in both goal setting and action planning. Moreover, life coaching will elicit positive effects from a client to empower one’s confidence、courage and even energy of goal achieving.
2009年1月5日 星期一
Learning Plan
1. Link our blogs and build up a network.
2. Each person posts one article and leaves messages to others once a week.
3. Meet on every third Sunday per month. The host would be James (Dec.), Sandy(Jan.), Tina(Feb.), Jeremy(Mar.) in turns. Host could select the meeting venue.
4. In the gathering, we would share our reflection from reading materials and attending tele-classes. We could also practice coaching in pairs or as a group.
5. Take Tony into consideration, the coaching practice would be arranged as below:
James (coach) : Jeremy + Tina (coachees)
Jeremy : Tina + Sandy
Tina : Sandy + Tony
Sandy : Tony + James
Tony : James + Jeremy
6. To reach the goal of graduating in December 2009, we set up a learning schedule for our sharing in each gathering.
1 / 18 : FC101 ~ 107
2 / 22 : AC101 ~ 107
3 / 22 : AC108 ~ 113
4 / 19 : AC201 ~ 207
5 / 17 : AC208 ~ 211, BC101 ~ 103
6 / 21 : BC104 ~ 109
July : Coaching Model + Case Study
Aug. : Research Paper
Sep. : Research Paper
Oct. : Self-assessment preparation
Nov. : Submit the assessment
2009年1月4日 星期日
WoW! That's the team!!
Participants: Sandy Chan, Ting Huang, James Huang, Jeremy Chen
James shared his experience of establishing a learning organization. That is very valuable and I think James would be a great leader in this team.
Sandy told as the very powerful and practicable NLP tool. Using 5W1H questions to find out 2 difference portions in values and details. This is somewhat similar with Solution-Focused Brief Therapy.Sandy is no doubt the most resourceful person in this team.
With Tina's logical method and passionate facilitating, we worked out a practical learning plan.
It's a wondrful thing having all these partners learing together. I feel that what I am doing is re-experiencing what I value as always. So, this process is, to myself, reborn to be a more completed me in balance and harmony.
Explore & Celebrate Coaching
ICA invited the newly graduated coaches to come together sharing their insights and experiences with coaching and coach training. The seminar was hosted by Robyn Logan, whos core value in coaching is freedom, even conscientiously arraged issues including:
- why they decided to pursue accredited coach training
- when they started coaching
- how they juggled the everday demands of work, life,parenting, study
- how did they build their confidence as a coach
- where will they use their coaching now they have graduated
- the number 1 piece of advice they have for aspiring coaches
Andrea Cinnamond is raising 3 kids and have completed her study in 2008, she knows how to juggle with time best.
Alicia Boisvert is an expert in Marketing. Several clients of her are kids in high school aged 9-12.
Steve Hendon is a sales manager, joined the CPCP from 2007 June. He juggles with time very well. Steve thinks USA got mature market but awful knowledge about coaching. As I propose my question about which would be the most challenging portion in ICA program, Steve comsidered being a peer coach would be most challenging.He said that managing yourself as a supportor is the very discipline that a good coach should obey.
Maria Gu is a Chiness and now reside in Finland. She got language problems before but found the handout easy to read and understandable. Well-prepared befoing joining the teleclass would helps a lot.
Elsa Wohler is from India and resides in USA. She practice life coaching adn doing yoga in a holy way. She mentioned a noun “KuPalu”, which could be interesting and worth studying. She also metioned the language problems but she thought students from ICA supported her very much.
Their generous sharing was fantastic. After this seminar, I found this the best Christmas gift from ICA and myself.
2009年1月2日 星期五
Jeremy Learns to Coach

在2008年最後一季,我開始積極接觸關於coaching的相關議題。圓夢教練Chrisse Tseng是我教練之路的領航者,幫助我找到心中的光點。引導者年會中更認識了許多有趣的Coach and facilitator,年會三個整天就像浸泡在高能量的flow裡,清楚感受到靈魂的顫動,我想我找到了天命。於是,開始號昭同好一起學習coaching,加入ICA(Internation Coach Academy)的CPCP(Certified Professional Coach Program)學程。Chrissie & Paulina給了我許多協助和鼓勵,Emily 提供了實用資訊及真誠的支持,Jenny Wang親切地分享與提問。高雄朋友的熱情和積極也給了我很大的鼓勵。當過往所有的經歷都匯集在一起,回首望去皆脈絡可循,而前路更加透明清晰;彷彿全宇宙在向我宣告,萬有正為我最高規格的展現而效力。
開跋向遠方,很感恩我的領航者 Coach Chrissie,一直以熱情與關懷為我照亮前路。也很感謝與我同行的夥伴:Tina, Sandy & James,以及高雄的朋友們,有良伴同行就不覺路遠,相信我們能彼此豐富未來的旅程,創造美好的經歷。
This Blog is named "WoW Coaching" to expect the journey of Coach Learning in ICA (International Coaching Academy) and my lifetime being interesting, exciting and somewhat challenging. With the company and inputs of all my lovely friends and the sharing of ICA students and coaches from all over the world, it would be definitely a spectacular journey.
I also leverage the concept of "pilot" that interprets a coach as a role knowing passenger's goal well and helping them find the best way to pass the dark valley and to achieve their splendid victory.
I hope that I could be a coach who is as considerate and wise as a gardener, as confident and brave as a pilot. Wow the journeys of all my companions!
It would be even fantastic having your creative ideas, constructive suggestions and worm greetings in this biog. So, welcome to WoW me with your sparkling footprints.