1. When have you experienced a change in your perspective? What did it take for you to change your point of view?
That was my first time to lead a virtual team for a creation workshop facilitating. Most of the facilitators were still green hands and suffering heavy duty job loadings. The preparation for the workshop was time consuming and that made me nervous about our progress. Team members presented themselves reluctantly and silently under the pressure from me. Not any creative idea was proposed in our meeting. Then I gave up pushing them and started to share my concerns about this situation and tried to elicit the thoughts from them. They broke the frozen atmosphere and continued the dialogue. When we went back to discussion, I focused more about the freedom and creation of thoughts rather than worrying about time constrain. The shift of this perspective retrieved our pleasure in sharing which we regarded as our core value and speeded up the progress.
2. How will helping your clients change their perspective make a difference in their lives?
Clients might be suffering from all kinds of fear and being controlled by their circumstance. With a different point of view, just a small step shift, they can still be aware of the situations or face the problems, but cast their fear aside, have the insight of whole picture. They may find themselves got nothing to lose. They will become more confident and dare to pursue what they want.
2009年1月15日 星期四
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Welcome to WoW me with your sparkling footprints. ^_^