生命具象成白紙上的圖騰 透過閱讀 溯往真理的源頭 朝聖
在2008年最後一季,我開始積極接觸關於coaching的相關議題。圓夢教練Chrisse Tseng是我教練之路的領航者,幫助我找到心中的光點。引導者年會中更認識了許多有趣的Coach and facilitator,年會三個整天就像浸泡在高能量的flow裡,清楚感受到靈魂的顫動,我想我找到了天命。於是,開始號昭同好一起學習coaching,加入ICA(Internation Coach Academy)的CPCP(Certified Professional Coach Program)學程。Chrissie & Paulina給了我許多協助和鼓勵,Emily 提供了實用資訊及真誠的支持,Jenny Wang親切地分享與提問。高雄朋友的熱情和積極也給了我很大的鼓勵。當過往所有的經歷都匯集在一起,回首望去皆脈絡可循,而前路更加透明清晰;彷彿全宇宙在向我宣告,萬有正為我最高規格的展現而效力。
開跋向遠方,很感恩我的領航者 Coach Chrissie,一直以熱情與關懷為我照亮前路。也很感謝與我同行的夥伴:Tina, Sandy & James,以及高雄的朋友們,有良伴同行就不覺路遠,相信我們能彼此豐富未來的旅程,創造美好的經歷。
This Blog is named "WoW Coaching" to expect the journey of Coach Learning in ICA (International Coaching Academy) and my lifetime being interesting, exciting and somewhat challenging. With the company and inputs of all my lovely friends and the sharing of ICA students and coaches from all over the world, it would be definitely a spectacular journey.
I also leverage the concept of "pilot" that interprets a coach as a role knowing passenger's goal well and helping them find the best way to pass the dark valley and to achieve their splendid victory.
I hope that I could be a coach who is as considerate and wise as a gardener, as confident and brave as a pilot. Wow the journeys of all my companions!
It would be even fantastic having your creative ideas, constructive suggestions and worm greetings in this biog. So, welcome to WoW me with your sparkling footprints.
在2008年最後一季,我開始積極接觸關於coaching的相關議題。圓夢教練Chrisse Tseng是我教練之路的領航者,幫助我找到心中的光點。引導者年會中更認識了許多有趣的Coach and facilitator,年會三個整天就像浸泡在高能量的flow裡,清楚感受到靈魂的顫動,我想我找到了天命。於是,開始號昭同好一起學習coaching,加入ICA(Internation Coach Academy)的CPCP(Certified Professional Coach Program)學程。Chrissie & Paulina給了我許多協助和鼓勵,Emily 提供了實用資訊及真誠的支持,Jenny Wang親切地分享與提問。高雄朋友的熱情和積極也給了我很大的鼓勵。當過往所有的經歷都匯集在一起,回首望去皆脈絡可循,而前路更加透明清晰;彷彿全宇宙在向我宣告,萬有正為我最高規格的展現而效力。
開跋向遠方,很感恩我的領航者 Coach Chrissie,一直以熱情與關懷為我照亮前路。也很感謝與我同行的夥伴:Tina, Sandy & James,以及高雄的朋友們,有良伴同行就不覺路遠,相信我們能彼此豐富未來的旅程,創造美好的經歷。
This Blog is named "WoW Coaching" to expect the journey of Coach Learning in ICA (International Coaching Academy) and my lifetime being interesting, exciting and somewhat challenging. With the company and inputs of all my lovely friends and the sharing of ICA students and coaches from all over the world, it would be definitely a spectacular journey.
I also leverage the concept of "pilot" that interprets a coach as a role knowing passenger's goal well and helping them find the best way to pass the dark valley and to achieve their splendid victory.
I hope that I could be a coach who is as considerate and wise as a gardener, as confident and brave as a pilot. Wow the journeys of all my companions!
It would be even fantastic having your creative ideas, constructive suggestions and worm greetings in this biog. So, welcome to WoW me with your sparkling footprints.
Welcome to WoW me with your sparkling footprints. ^_^