2009年2月24日 星期二
The 3rd Coach Gathering--2009.2.21 at The One
2009年2月16日 星期一
FC103 Effective feedback
Topic 1
1. How do you feel about receiving feedback?
If I was asked for permission before receiving feedback, it would be more acceptable. It helps me become more aware of being neutral instead of defending. A real feedback without criticism or judgment makes me feel kind of nervous but still gratitude toward the feedback giver.
4. What is the difference between feedback and criticism?
Feedback is merely mirroring back what is observed without extra opinions or judgments. Just like a mirror, a feedback should be neutral and objective, not positive nor negative. But a criticism may contain any of that mentioned above.
Then a feedback evokes awareness while a criticism draws defenses or attacks.
5. What is the purpose of feedback in a coaching situation?
For greater understanding, awareness and clarity, a coach may apply effective feedback. It can also provide insight, open thoughts and expand vision which helps a lot to clients.
Reflection and Application
1. 3 people’s feedback
My wife’s feedback on my emceeing the birthday banquet of my uncle:
“You looked not nervous at all…the atmosphere was fantastic and joyful.”
My crew’s feedback on the training delivery of the new-hired orientation:
“How’s the participation of the new-hired? Do you think they like the course or not?”
“I think they enjoyed the class very much from the clues of their laughter and the serious thinking faces”
My colleague’s feedback in the farewell letter:
“I am glad to know you…thank you for the kindly help always…I am honored to work with you.”
2. How’s the feedback
My response: Thank you for the feedback, that’s quite meaningful to me.
Some feedback was better than others for they pointed out specific items or issues that I could catch what they were talking about instead of common general ideas or comments. When I asked my crew to feedback, I transferred the focus on the feedback from trainees instead of me, the trainer; it seems more indirect and much easier for her to give feedback to me.
From this exercise I learned much about giving feedback and asking for feedback as well. It would be more acceptable if giving feedback focused on the observation, conveying not the details only but the information that appear obviously. In our culture, most people might feel reluctant and uncomfortable when being asked for feedback. It may automatically remind them “political issue” right away. Maybe ask them the opinion of the third party would be much easier for them to tell the truth.
Topic 2
1. When and how might you use role-play with your clients?
Not only when my clients are unsure on how to have a conversation with someone or have some fears around how to say and to proceed, but also in the moment of rehearsing the steps moving forward to their splendid victory, that I would love to use role play. I would use presuppositional questions such as:
What would they say if you had done it well?
What would you do to make it happen?
…then how would you respond to her reaction?
Reflection and Application
1. 3 situations suit for using role-play.
A. To work out the action plan by rehearsing the steps they may make to move forward.
B. To practice before hand if the client is fear about what to say
C. To rehearse when the client is unsure how to conduct a meeting.
2. A friend of my was dealing with the bottom 5 % performance interview and found himself kind of resisting to face that awkward situation. We both agreed on his willing to overcome this situation and further more to benefit interviewees through this interview. He set some procedure of the interview to clarify the purpose, the methods and the principles he would like to apply in this interview. While role-playing, I acted as an angry employee and he tried to use the principles to calm me down and focus on the performance improving. At the 2nd round, I played as a sensitive employee in his team and he found it’s hard to address any words he attempted to speak out. After practicing, he felt more confident and less reluctant to do the interview.
3. Another “interviewer” came to me the other day (thanks to the recommendation of the former one) and we tried to make her more confident with the bottom 5% interview. At the first time, she found herself not well-prepare about the details and records of interviewees. At the 2nd time, she practiced the whole process of interview from the opening to the closing and corrected herself in wording several times. Then I played the role she would play as a interviewer and she act as the interviewee. I repeated the process that she just performed. She felt “my” interview with her was comfortable and helpful. I said that’s just what she did before. She was confident and happy to help the interviewee then.
A friend of mine was suffering being a sandwich between her mother and boyfriend. I drew on the practice of constellation and asked her to arrange the position of her boyfriend and her mom for several times. During the process, we practiced the roles of herself, her mom and her boyfriend to speak out what they really want to express. She was strongly touched and found herself a better place to stand on, a more useful gesture to make peaceful and even delighting situation.
做自己的教練~~by 吳永佳 (2008.9.1 30雜誌)
初入職場 先把實力準備好
專業能力是30世代在職場所要積累的第一種實力。從企業主心態來看,哪種專業能力在現下會變得更重要呢?在經濟榮景衰退、資源有限的環境下,可將資源做最有效整合及運用的人才,才能幫雇主花最少、省更多;此外,人力緊縮,「好用耐操」、具多元職能又願意高度配合的人最受歡迎;當然,能為公司帶進業績的人才,自然也更形重要。那麼高階人才的就業市場如何呢?根據104獵才顧問中心分析指出,2008年電腦、網路資訊等相關產業的持續性發展,帶動一波中高階主管的求才指標。而逐年增長的行銷、業務職缺,顯示科技產品的技術已發展成熟,目前急需透過行銷業務人才推廣至消費者手中。 對於中高階人才來說,豐富的產業經驗是最基本的專業要件,而優越的行銷及業務能力,也可為自己加分。此外,在這天涯若比鄰的時代,熟悉歐洲或亞太市場經驗,是許多產業重視的專業力;當然,既然商品都要賣到全世界、賺世界的錢,而高階工作者也漸漸成為「逐工作而居」的遊牧上班族,隨時可能到世界任何一個地區工作,那麼,外語能力、國際視野,以及對全球資訊的閱讀及掌握能力,無疑是愈來愈重要了。
30到50歲 追求上半場人生成就
50歲後 追求下半場夢想意義
2009年2月10日 星期二
FC102 Reflection and Application
A friend of mine works as a training specialist in the HR dept. of a company was worrying of being laid off because of the economical depression. She did great jobs and made significant contributions for her company but the training budget for next year still decreased tremendously. She felt helpless and lost enthusiasm about her job. After discussed about the success she made before, we compared the situation thoroughly and found all the conditions about her company and herself were still the same(some of them even getting better) but only required more cost-constrained-focused. She shifted her perspective to positive ones and reframed the viewpoints of these changes. I found her regain her confidence and start to work out some strategy for the coming challenges.
2. Call a friend or colleague who has been complaining about something. Share with them the concept of Perspective, which you are studying, and ask them if they are interested in some quick coaching to help them ReFrame their Perspective.
I visited a cousin of mine during the Chinese New Year and shared with him the studying in ICA. When I “happened to” mention about the idea of perspective and reframing, it’s easy to find something sparkling in his eyes. He told me that maybe he could think of his boss, whom he is always complaining about, in a more sympathetic way.